Summer Holidays 2018

Cher client, Della Rovere sera fermé pour les vacances du 9 au 29 août (inclus), les activités reprendront régulièrement jeudi 30 août 2018. Le 9, 10, 28, et 29 août (matin) la Service sera à la disposition des clients pour tout support commercial. On précisé que les jours 9, 10, 28 et 29 août, il ne sera pas possible charger la marchandise....

Dear Customer,

Della Rovere will be closed for summer holidays from 9th to 29th August (included), activities will regularly resume on Thursday 30th August 2018 .

On 9th, 10th, 28th and 29th August (morning) the Service will be at the disposal of  customers for any commercial support.

Kindly notice that it will not be possible to ship goods on 9th, 10th, 28th and 29th  August.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further need!

Happy holidays !